That Which Inspires

cc_garibaldi-50Inspiration comes in all shapes, sizes, and colors. For me, it’s almost always accompanied by things like passion, drive, commitment, and good old-fashioned heart. Stuff that makes my blood run faster, and sets my synapses on fire. So when I got the call to photograph performance painter David Garibaldi, I couldn’t grab my gear fast enough.

David is the picture of creativity. And I don’t care how hard you try, you simply can’t keep him down. He’s gone from expressing his art through graffiti and living hand-to-mouth as a youth, to electrifying audiences across the planet with his live shows – and the larger-than-life artworks that are born of them. He is a shining example of the heights a person can reach if they believe and just do. On top of all that, and more importantly, he’s one of the kindest humans I’ve met. I could talk all day about David and his work, but I’d rather suffice it to say that he, and folks with his level of passion for life, make me want to be a better me.

For a behind-the-scenes glimpse into his studio, have a look at the photos we made together here: And to see the man in action, visit his site: It’s an experience you’re sure to not soon forget.